Monday, April 30, 2012

In The Studio

I have been doing alot of acrylic work lately. I manufacture and sell acrylic paint so I need to, but I still like to get my hands on oils now and then. this is a small painting that I stopped in the imprimatura phase about 6 months ago. I decided to take a couple minutes and throw in an alizarin crimson glaze on the background.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In the Studio

 here are a few pics in the studio this week. Some Blue color tests for the Beacon Street mural.
 A couple of zombies in progress on the acrylic table... A little messy.

Some finished pieces hanging out.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I have another Etsy store called Presidents and Patriots. I am thinking of joining it with the Zombie Horde. I have alot of non zombie work but its tough to promote them separately so I may just make a non-zombie related art section and call it a day

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

clutter removal

I re-arranged my painting studio. I am not the neatest person, but when things get too cluttered I cant take it. So I removed one large table and consolidated the painting areas (oil painting in front and acrylic behind the easel on the flat surface). Makes the room much more spacious.... Until I clutter it up again and repeat the process

Monday, April 16, 2012

Finished the latest Zombie Chick Skateboard deck yesterday. here's a pic of all 4. and a close-up of the latest

Friday, April 13, 2012

Boston mural

I'm in Boston this morning. Im pitching my design for a mural in a residence on Beacon Street. It should be an interesting project. A deep blue "cosmos" with the astrological star map done in 24k gold leaf (similar to the grand central station ceiling in NYC). Top pic is a section of the design

Thursday, April 12, 2012

here's a pile of zombies in the studio

Daniele as Ophelia

I love the Flemish masters and the Pre Raphaelites. The process is a tedious one (layering thin transparent glazes of color over an opaque under painting) but the end results are awesome. I need to do more oil painting. This is a piece I did of my wife Daniele as Ophelia after John Everett Millais's Ophelia (first pic).

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just re-released for sale today, Zombie Pamela R.

Basement dweller

My house was built around 1850, It has a really creepy basement. I moved my painting studio down there to photograph it for a zombie/artist book I'm working on. the next pic is the mantle in the actual painting studio.... I dont want to paint in the basement.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I had planned on doing about four of these large drawings but ran outa steam.
the pics were taken in my loft at Monohasst Mill. I loved living there

Some Silver Point

this is a pic of the large drawing in progress - I think this was 2006. and the cover of a book of Silver point work I did. I have alot of these pieces I will write about in the future.

older work

 I have a ton of older work I am going to share on this blog as well as the zombie work. I started doing Silver point work in 2002. I dont do much of it now because of the time it takes, alot of the work was miniature because the high key and tedious nature of working with relatively hard metals however I did complete one large figure drawing in 2007 (took about 2 years to finish). Above are to the tools of metal point drawing. some files and rods of silver gold and platinum.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Zombie Jack C.

So This my latest Zombie I finished last week. its a 6"x6" acrylic. Its painted with the paint I make at Killen Studios Inc. - a Private label for the Rhode Island School of Design.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday 2012

Well I decided to start a blog for The Zombie Horde and Killen Studios Inc. I'm a terrible writer (thats why I paint), but I think I can manage to post somewhat coherent thoughts every once in a while.